Here we are! Another New Year started so it's the best time to begin again. If you've taken a wrong turn or feel like you've failed yourself and God, then it's time to begin once again. Choose and pick wisely.
Begin the Series with a prophetic/poetic exhortation. Then follow the links at the end of each post.
As we begin another year, it's time to begin again. There's new fruit being produced in us as we follow Christ. Listen to God's heart on what He desires for us in the new year. May it encourage you deep within as we move ahead.
The Fruit Of Love is the first fruit mentioned in the nine fruits of the Spirit. Stay tuned in as we take a look at all of the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit. Let's begin by looking at this very important fruit, the Fruit of Love.
The Fruit of Joy is a fruit that is the entranceway to enJOY the Lord. We were created to enjoy Him.
The Prince Of Peace wants us to have peace in Him. How can we not allow our troubles to rob us of this peace?
As we look at the Fruit of Patience think about how patient God is with us. Learn how we can allow patience to do its work in us.
Can we trust God's goodness in all circumstances?
Are we faithful? Do we start something strong and fizzle out in the middle?
Do we see one who is gentle as one who is weak? Jesus was the epitome of gentleness.
Our last fruit is self-control. How do we learn self-control? Are we controlled by our emotions? Let's learn by yielding.
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This Series on the book of Proverbs is almost complete. To view entire written and video messages...