Give yourself fully by being increasingly attentive to My Presence.
What does that look like? Learn to sit with me. Have a teachable spirit, allowing Me to change you. Come before Me, in discipline, permitting Me to renew you. Release all your disappointments, false hope and unmet expectations, for they will prevent you from being attentive to Me and My presence. When you hold on to the past, it prevents you from receiving the new.
Being transformed by the renewing of your mind includes letting My Word wash over you and wash through you. Let Me teach you how I see you and how you must see yourself.
I SEE YOU as blessed, highly favored, so can you.
I SEE YOU as a victor, not a victim.
I SEE YOU as an overcomer, not defeated.
I SEE YOU as the head, not the tail.
My thoughts surround you in everlasting, ever-increasing love. I AM embracing you, encircling you with My love and My presence. For in My presence is fullness of joy. It's joy unspeakable, full of glory. I see the end from the beginning. I AM teaching you to do the same.
Look with me from above, into your circumstances, into your setbacks; but look ahead so you are not always looking down or looking back but looking ahead. Look ahead to the future, to the plans I have for you to embrace and carry out.
For my plans shall carry you. My plans shall fulfill you. My plans shall complete you. May plans shall make you whole. Be made whole, complete by the renewing of your mind, renewing of your thoughts.
Take every thought captive and make it obedient to My Word, to My ways, to My life. For My life is yours, given abundantly to prosper you, and make you move ahead, to move you forward and catapult you to new heights of believing Me, believing My Word as My very promises to you.
Allow your worship to Me come up to a new level. Join with the angels who are crying out, "Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, who was, who is and who is to come!"
For I AM coming soon. Come unto Me. "Come to Me," has been the cry of My heart for mankind. Learn the different ways I have called My people to come. "Call unto me and I will show you great and mighty things that you knowest not." (Jeremiah 33: 3)
I have been calling you to come, to come up here and see from above, see from My view. See from My perspective, see the big picture, see the greater plan.
To be shown, you must come! Learn the elementary way "to come," and the mature level "to come up," or "to come into." For when you come up, you come into ALL that I have planned for you. New heights, new depths, begins with answering the call to "Come."
It begins with "Come unto Me." Let everything go that needs to be let go. Come to Me, not with the old, come naked, barren and empty and let Me fill you, fulfill you.
For when you come with your baggage, it taints the way, and it weighs you down. It holds you back. Leave it all behind and come before me with singing dancing and rejoicing.
When David came to Me naked, it was a picture of pure worship, pure devotion, pure dedication to honor me without any other interruption, without any other hinderance, without any other thing that cries out for your attention.
Be attentive, to me, to My presence, to worshiping Me.
Prepare yourself. Prepare your ways and ministry to come and bow down. For in the bowing down, you release all, you embrace me and allow me to fill, to fulfill. It all begins with "Come!"
For when you come, I comfort.
For when I comfort, I command.
For when I command, I commend.
For when I commend, you commit.
For when you commit, I AM your companion.
For when you are My companion, I fill you with compassion.
For when you are compassionate, I make you competent.
For when you are competent in Me, you are complete.
For when you are complete in Me, My love is made complete in you.
Complete Me Lord; Only You Complete Me.
When I come, you come forth.
Coming Forth In Him,
Mary Beth Pecora
What we see with our natural eyes currently, is not the final result of the Lord's reign.
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There's a special word that defines looking back to be able to forge ahead in the New Year.