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IT'S TIME TO TURN THE BEND! A Bend In The Road Is Not The End Of The Road Unless You Fail To Make The Turn.
Man Was Created To Be Part Of A Loving, Thriving, Family. If living in peace and harmony seems foreign to you now within your family unit, there is hope as you wait for a divine turn around.
How Do We Deal With Offenses? He who covers over an offense promotes love. Does covering an offense mean we should not address the hurt?
The answer is yes if we have a fountain of wisdom within.
We get to choose the type of harvest it will be, good or bad. There is power from our words. Are we speaking life or death?
Do We Understand Fully That Everything We Have Is From The Lord? It is He who gives us the ability to produce wealth.
Are You Feeling Unfulfilled In Life? Perhaps asking for Gods purpose and walking out His purpose will bring forth the fulfillment you are longing for.
Reaching out to a friend in need does not require a counseling degree. Look around for someone who's hurting and let God use you.
We ask God and He'll Help, Without A Doubt.
This chapter is all about our heart. What's the condition of our heart? God is always seeking to change our hearts. Do we let Him?
What's In A name? Is having a good name important to you? Learn what character qualities will be achieved in obtaining a good name.
What's Of Great Importance To You? Are you longing to have more stuff? Material possessions are nice, but if we strive to acquire them, we can wear ourselves out.
What stones are we building our life upon? Are they stones of faith, love, hope, glory and truth? Using these stones to build our life upon is wise.
Do You Believe That God's Ways Are Good?
Do you see yourself as a fire-starter in the Kingdom of God? Learn how to kindle correctly.
How High Is Humility Held In The eyes Of God? I think we all know the answer to that--Very high! So, then is it ever appropriate to boast or announce our own accomplishments?
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There's a special word that defines looking back to be able to forge ahead in the New Year.